Comedy, Just Cause


5:30-6:00: Cocktails (cash bar), 1 free drink ticket
6:00-7:30: Buffet-style dinner (Menu TBD), silent auction, announcements
7:30-9:30: Enjoy the show!

Where: Country Club of Harrisburg (
For directions,
click here.
401 Fishing Creek Valley Road, Harrisburg PA 17112

Join us for an unforgettable evening of laughs at the exclusive Country Club of Harrisburg with comedian Earl David Reed! Enjoy a cocktail reception with a cash bar, a free drink ticket, a deliciously filling buffet dinner, and a silent auction all in support of a worthy cause. Every ticket helps the Dauphin County Bar Foundation’s “We Care About Children” campaign that provides an attorney at MidPenn Legal for low-income children and their families.

Earl David Reed has been a radio DJ on 105.7 the X, appeared on HBO and Showtime, and was featured on The Tonight Show with various appearances in Vegas and around the country. His show is entertaining, interesting, and unique. Be prepared for some memorable moments, music, and lots of laughs! Dress code is anything from upscale casual to business or cocktail attire.

This would make the perfect Mother’s Day gift and provide a nice break from the usual with this unusual evening of fun and festivities.